Tuesday, November 29, 2016

My Sweet Love

My Sweet Love

Harper is such a bittersweet blessing being our 4th and final baby. I was lucky to spend five weeks with her before returning to work. I always wish I had more time but I am a partner in providing for our family and with a new job and limited time off I needed to begin contributing again. I do remember taking a day off; a rainy day; to stay home with Harper after having returned to work. I sat and held her most of the day; drinking coffee, watching the Today show and reruns of Grey's Anatomy. It was a day and memory I cherish knowing that she is our last baby. I still tear up knowing these last months of an infant will soon be in the past. Life is so fast, so chaotic that it's difficult to slow down and really take in all the joy and love surrounding us each and every day. Although these years are difficult at times I know I will be sad when they are long gone.